Introduction to Our Services


Data forms the crux of any of the engineering or planning work that we do. So natually, we collect, clean, analyse and interpret data. The results of the analysis gives us insights into issues and trends

KOLEKO | Transportation Planning | Traffic Engineering Consultants d1.1 Data Collection & Analysis
We have experience dealing with both quantitative data (numbers that can be mathematically analysed and represented) and qualitative data (a narrative describing in words the stories, opinions or interpretations of people).
KOLEKO | Transportation Planning | Traffic Engineering Consultants d2.2 Data Collection & Analysis
Household surveys, origin-destination survey, parking, turning movement counts, link counts, public transport ridership, non-motorised users, freight vehicles, number plate or licence plate survey, user experience surveys are just some of the surveys that we have conducted in the past.
KOLEKO | Transportation Planning | Traffic Engineering Consultants d3.3 Data Collection & Analysis
The use of technology (cameras, sensors, loop detectors, bluetooth readers) enable us to collect comprehensive data over a longer period of time – even several weeks and months.
KOLEKO | Transportation Planning | Traffic Engineering Consultants d4.4 Data Collection & Analysis
The use of statistical tools and tests validate the quality of the data collected with a high level of confidence. Regression analysis may provide further insights.


  • Current public transport record (CPTR) reports
  • Parking surveys
  • Qualitative surveys (questionnaires / interviews)
  • Traffic counts / surveys


Emalahleni Public Transport Traffic Impact Assessment NKangala, South Africa NKangala District Municipality
Ressano Filling Station Traffic Impact Assessement Moamba, Mozambique Private Company
Marcador Filling Station Traffic Impact Assessement Matola City, Mozambique Private Company
Vosloorus X9 Parking Relaxation Ekurhuleni, South Africa City of Ekurhuleni
K94 Section 7 Report Ekurhuleni, South Africa City of Ekurhuleni
Peermont Hospitality Traffic Impact Assessment Ekurhuleni, South Africa Private Company
Sainsbury Road Closure Traffic Impact Assessment Ekurhuleni, South Africa Private Company
Alex Depot Traffic Impact Assessment Johannesburg, South Africa City of Johannesburg
Bardene Parking Relaxation Ekurhuleni, South Africa Private Company
Phalanndwa Coal Mine Traffic Impact Assessment Delmas, South Africa Private Company
AVBOB Loading Bay Wayleaves Tshwane, South Africa Private Company
Forest Hill X74 Revitalisation Tshwane, South Africa Private Company
Duvha Power Station Traffic Study for Access Road Mpumalanga, South Africa Private Company
Maputo port Traffic Study Maputo, Mozambiue Private Company
P321 Traffic Study KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa KZN DoT
P749 Traffic Study KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa KZN DoT
White River Filling Station Traffic Impact Assessment Mpumalanga, South Africa Private Company
City of Ekurhuleni Bus Rapid Transit Traffic Singnal Study Ekurhuleni, South Africa City of Ekurhuleni
N12 Road Saftey Study North West, South Africa South African Natior Roads Agency
St Francis Pre-School Traffic Impact Assessment Ekurhuleni, South Africa Private Company
Kirkney Transformer Traffic Impact Assessment Tshwane, South Africa Private Company